Objectives: To report three cases of neural injuries during dental implant placement. Material and methods: In 2014, three female patients aged 59 (A); 60 (B); and 70 (C) years old were referred by the courts for legal investigation of malpractice during implant placement. Seven implants were placed in patient A; three implants were placed patient B; and seven implants were placed in patient C. Postoperative computed tomography of the patients revealed signs of injury in the Inferior Alveolar Nerve. Clinically, the patients referred lack of sensitivity in the soft tissue adjacent to the implant-surgical site. Results: All the presented cases culminated into legal suits. Consequently, the dentists involved with patients A and B are awaiting respective legal trials, while the dentist involved with patient C was already condemned. Conclusion: The present study highlights the need for optimal preoperative planning; careful transoperative performance; and adequate postoperative follow-up. Based on that, oral and maxillofacial injuries and legal consequences may be avoided in Implantology.