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Pesquisa Científica

v. 30 n. 89 (2021): ROBRAC 30 anos

Guideline for manual classification of the facial profiles by CBCT image

October 22, 2020
April 5, 2021


Aim: To describes step by step for the procedures for manual cephalometric analysis of the facial profile was performed using the Ricketts' VERT index through software not specific for cephalometric analysis which accepts any DICOM format for cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Material and methods: The facial profile classification was performed by means of the arithmetic mean of the values obtained (facial axis, facial height, mandibular plane angle, lower facial height and mandibular arch angle). Results: The present step by step can be performed by any CBCT imaging software for manual cephalometric analysis can obtain good results for the Ricketts' VERT. Conclusion: Dentists, undergraduate students, educational institutions and research that does not have access to specific software for cephalometric analysis may use the present methodology.