Aim: This case report aimed to discuss the clinical sequence and the indications of the direct veneer technique with composite resin to mask a discolored tooth. Case report: A 18-year-old male patient attended a Dental School for treatment of the maxillary central incisors. During the initial examination, the patient reported a dental traumatism in childhood fracturing both teeth. Tooth 21 had already been endodontically treated, and the patient complained of the darkened color, while tooth 11 had been fractured for a long time. Results: Poor class IV composite resin restoration was found, showing rests of endodontic material on tooth 21 and class IV dental fracture on element 11. The elements were cleaned, restorative materials were removed and composite resin veneers were made using a silicone guide technique. Finishing and polishing were performed in the next session, reproducing some of the peculiar characteristics of young teeth, consistent with the patient's age, such as macro and microtextures. Conclusion: The use of direct veneers in composite resin proved to be efficient to restore the aesthetics of darkened and fractured teeth, restoring aesthetic satisfaction through the transformation of the patient's smile.